主演: Chris Anderson Bruce Bradshaw Craig Broady Bill Buel Michael Calore Nadia Cheng Alan Cramer David Cranor Michael Curry Malo Delarue Brad Feld Ian Ferguson Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai Martin Galese Matt Griffin
简介: Follows the people racing to bring the hot new 3D printing technology to your home, documenting the Macintosh Moment of this revolution and exp...详情 >
导演: Holly Tuckett Kendall Wilcox
主演: Jennifer Lynn Dobner Mark Lawrence Jim Magleby Taylor Petrey Peggy Tomsic
简介: 2013年,犹他州联邦法院裁定同性婚姻合法,同婚禁令违宪,这项惊人的判决掀起了当地意识形态的激烈争辩。在犹他...详情 >
导演: Manuel Catteau Marion Claus
简介: 当英国军队看起来要击败墨索里尼的意大利军队时,希特勒派出了增援部队;由隆美尔将军领导的非洲军团。在...详情 >